Tuesday 19 September 2017

6 tips for training when you have a toddler

It’s no secret that having a baby can turn your once #fitspo life into a continuous loop of Paw Patrol episodes and play dates… BUT things are about to change… so ladies, let’s dust off those trainers, make a new playlist and lets get moving.

Bec Wilcock – Blackmores Wellbeing Coach, Extreme Athlete, Founder of Love Me Fit and mum to Beau, shares her 6 top tips to getting it done!

  1. Get a baby carrier – they are a safe and secure way to carry your baby around hands-free and allow you to get some exercise in. When Beau as born I used to walk everywhere with him harnessed securely in his carrier and could even do some body weight exercises such as lunges and squats.
  2. Prep your meals the same time you prep your baby’s. As modern day mums we often put our bub’s needs ahead of our own, especially with food! How often do we run out the door forgetting to eat? I try and get into the habit of preparing my own meals while I’m prepping for Beau’s. It doesn’t take that much longer and save time and hassle in the long run!
  3. Opt for one-handed meals. As busy mums we are lucky to have a free hand, so I try and pack all my nutrients into meals I can eat on the go such as smoothies, wraps and nuts and dried fruit mixes. This is especially the case when breastfeeding!
  4. Make sure you’re getting enough nutrients in. Even prepping all my meals and eating a well balance diet, I find I need additional supplement support, especially while I’m breastfeeding. I take Blackmores Breastfeeding and Pregnancy Gold each morning and Blackmores Super Magnesium + to assist with muscle cramps and spasms.
  5. Always carry a water bottle. I find hydration helps to keep your energy levels up and to help keep your digestive system lubricated! It should be a handbag essential for every modern day mum.
  6. Fit in exercise where you can. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t t get to the gym, or park, or even outside the house! Just roll out the yoga mat and practice a short 15-30min flow when you can. Beau is super chatty first thing in the morning so I have a yoga mat chat with him while I’m still in my pyjamas and Flow like no one is watching.


For more information, to help support you on your journey to Be a Well Being, or to register for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival on 17 September 2017, visit Run.Blackmores.com.au

Check out more from Bec here 


The post 6 tips for training when you have a toddler appeared first on Fitness In The City.

source http://fitnessinthecity.com.au/move/fitness-move/training-gone-out-the-window-thanks-to-your-toddler-6-tips-for-getting-it-done

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